Refund and Cancellation

Return Policy


  1. All sales are final. The purchases are not eligible for returns/refund/exchange
  2. Loyalty points won't be rewarded for purchases made during the sale
  3. Loyalty and referral rewards can’t be redeemed against any on-going sale/promotion on the website.
  4. A cancellation fee of 
    ₹2,000/ - ₹5000 will be charged in case of cancellation depending on the purchase before the shipping of the product.
  5. No cancellations will be entertained after shipping of the product.
  6. Only credit notes will be issued in the case of cancellation.


  • Refunds - Requests for refunds would only be entertained in case the pair you have received is damaged and unworn. Please write to us at to take your case further. Our team would look into the situation and work to give you an apt solution.
  • Returns - Returns are only entertained in case of a damaged product or if a wrong size has been delivered as per your order. The team at Guerdon Kicks will scrutinize your return request to validate it. If approved, the customer is to ship the pair in the same exact conditions with the tags attached. All original accessories and items must be included in the parcel that is being returned.
    It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the pair is returned in Guerdon Kicks’ protective box. If the Guerdon Kicks box is damaged, the customer must double-box the pair in a larger, protective carton or box and secure it with tape before sending.
    Once the pair reaches our headquarters, it will go through an detailed examination, on qualification of which 100% of your total billed amount would be returned to you in the form of store credit. The store credit would be valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. The entire resolution process might take upto 30 days, however the team would work to give you a resolution at the earliest.
  • Cancellations - If your cancellation request qualifies, you would be refunded 100% of the entire amount in form of store credit within 7 working days of the requests being accepted. A cancellation mail would be sent to you within 24 hours of your requests being accepted. No cancellations will be entertained after shipping of the product. A cancellation fee of ₹2,000-₹5000 will be charged in case of cancellation depending on the purchase before the shipping of the product.
  • Exchanges - Exchange on sneakers are applicable with a minimum 20% additional charge on the purchase value of the pair. All size exchange requests are accepted only if the product tags are still attached and the product is in the same original packaging.


All designers available at Guerdon Kicks are immensely hardworking, industrious and talented. Each product made by them is a product of hours of putting their nose to the grindstone. Their work is intricate and every design has layers of thoughts, perseverance and sacrifices beneath.

Which is why every request of a size exchange, return or cancellation is dismaying. Guerdon Kicks requests all the customers and Project members to carefully go through the sizing charts and measurements available on the website to minimize the chances of returns or exchanges. Every diligent order ensures a reduced lead time and a happy customer. Please go through the terms and conditions and policies of every designer carefully!

Since Guerdon has collaborated with a wide range of designers, who each have a different lead to end time, exchanging of sizes and returns would depend on the designer. Please thoroughly read the designer specific return and exchange terms mentioned on the designer’s page and through our detailed return and exchange policy for more information.

Exchanging any item from Guerdon Kicks is only applicable on sizing issues, provided that the designer takes size exchange requests. Please ensure that the garment/ apparel are in the same exact condition as shipped, with tags attached. Please go through the sizing charts before placing your order. 

In instances of recieval of a faulty product, the customer is required to send in a mail at with the images of the product within 2 days of the product being received. Upon examination, if the complaint is found to be legit, an appropriate solution/redressal would be served to the issue.

If you have any questions or concerns with regard to sizing, materials or colors of a specific product on our site, please e-mail us on before committing to purchase.